Friday, November 12, 2010

Marina's found her Match (finally)

A terrific testimonial from Marina on Life Long Vitality Pack!!!!!!
You know I have tried lots of supplements over the years, for myself and especially for my daughter.  Since she is non-verbal, I can't get a report from her on how she is feeling using these vitamins, but I can tell you how they've helped me.  I have tried so many brands, some rather expensive and touted to be unusually wonderful, and I have often been disappointed, until now.

I have arthritis in my wrists and fingers, not a good thing for a wallpaper hanger and painter, so work is painful for me.....or was, until I started taking these supplements.  I stopped taking them for a couple of weeks because I started giving them to E. (daughter), and only had one box of them.  The pain in my hands and wrist returned.  I started taking them again only two days ago, and voila! the pain is gone.

Additionally, I've noticed clearer thought processes (no small feat for me!) and more energy.  Both are worth gold to me, as I am sure they are for anyone living in our fast-paced world today with women working and running a household, and both men and women under so much stress.  I feel much less stressed and the energy is much needed and appreciated.


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